
 The Talk of The Town

(Gilded Age Belles Book One)


Virginia McKee trades society gossip to keep her friends safe from scandal and her ridiculous mother from public humiliation. Her father is too busy with his latest hotel project to realize that his intrepid daughter is spying on Knickerbocker princesses and dodging matrimonial schemes up and down Madison Avenue. Ginnie operates under everyone’s noses except one man—the newspaper owner who accepts her bribes.

Self-made man Warren Cuffe has turned a mediocre weekly magazine into the most popular rag in New York. He utilizes a network of housemaids, hotel workers, and now a society belle to learn every piece of news, from the ridiculous to the radical. The deal only works because he is far removed from those he writes about, able to humiliate or manipulate his subjects with only a keystroke.

When Warren begins to fall for the brazenly beautiful Miss McKee, he knows the risk to her reputation is too great, and that their romance would destroy the newspaper empire he’d worked so hard to build. Can Warren jeopardize his career to make their relationship public? Or will he and Ginnie entangle themselves in a web of scandal, secrets, and love?


Coming Soon!







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