
 My Unconquerable Soul

(Linley & Patrick Two)

While other ladies turn their country homes into soldiers’ hospitals and host charity bazaars to fund the war effort, Linley struggles just to keep Wolford Abbey afloat. Driving tractors and managing servants is not the life she dreamed of in those magical days before the war. She yearns to put down the teacups, pick up a trowel, and follow in her father’s footsteps as an archaeologist–and never is this more apparent than with her husband away at the Front.

Patrick doesn’t allow himself to remember life during peacetime. To think of anything other than war and death would be too painful. If he is to survive, he must not look back. He must push forward over the top and into the horrors that await him. But after an injury saves him from death at the hands of the Germans, Patrick is forced to reconcile his life as a soldier with his responsibilities as a husband. The strength of their love will be tested as old friends and bad memories threaten to tear the couple apart. Through it all, the trenches of the Great War, quiet Worcestershire countryside, and bustling streets of Cairo await in Linley and Patrick’s second adventure.

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